Combat email impersonation with Sendmarc

Find out your domain score

Sendmarc’s algorithm assesses your organization’s susceptibility to fraudulent email practices such as impersonation, phishing,
and spoofing, as well as the potential risk your current domain poses to your company’s cybersecurity.

The email problem

Ninety-six percent of phishing attacks infiltrate through email, underscoring the persistent threat email poses to organizational security. Cybercriminals are continuously refining their tactics, necessitating constant vigilance in bolstering email security defenses. Safeguarding against potential financial and reputational harm stemming from phishing, spoofing, and other impersonation attacks leveraging your company’s domain requires steadfast measures.

The Sendmarc solution

The Sendmarc solution utilizes DMARC to swiftly guide organizations to comprehensive protection against impersonation and spoofing attacks within a maximum period of 90 days. As a premier email security provider, Sendmarc is specifically crafted to facilitate rapid and seamless DMARC compliance for organizations of all scales.

Benefits of DMARC implementation with Sendmarc

  • Full protection against email impersonation and spoofing attacks within a maximum of 90 days, guaranteed.
  • Increased brand recognition, trust, and reputation protection.
  • Increased deliverability of legitimate emails.
  • Adds an extra layer of security to protect against external cyberattacks.
  • Provides increased visibility of senders through detailed, automated reporting and increases control by allowing domain owners to decide what happens to emails that fail DMARC authentication.
